Ron Mikhael Surara

Ron Mikhael Surara

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What I Learned in CompSci #20: Presentation Tips 2

Presentation Tips 2
Do's and Dont's

Do's :
  1. Use readable fonts and font size
  2. Use keywords and be brief
  3. Minimize the number of slides
  4. Make every word and image count
  1. Don't Overuse effects
  2. Don't use too many words or line
  3. Avoid hard-to-read color combinations


What I Learned in CompSci #19: Presentation Tips

Presentation Tips 

  1. Use Compelling materials
  2. Be Simple
  3. Minimize the number of slides
  4. Know what to say, don't just read what's on the presentation
  5. Time what to do
  6. Give it a rest
  7. Use vibrant colors
  8. Be creative
  9. Edit ruthlessly before presenting

Use Compelling Materials
Have a reliable source and make sure that your contents are correct. Remember that Powerpoint only gives slide, you make the presentation. Have good contents and design
Be Simple
When making a presentation, it is best to be simple. Simplicity is good, only be complicated when needed
Minimize the Number of Slides
If your presentation is long, people will probably be bored. Minimize the number of slides and be concise
Know What to Say, Don't Just Read What's on the Presentation
Don't just read what's on the slide because we can also read them. Know what to say and have a copy if needed
Time What to Do
Knowing what to say is not enough, also know when to talk and know what to do when
Give It a Rest
*resting resting resting* Don't just work continuously, have a break and give yourself and your audience a chance to rest
Use Vibrant Colors
They're awesome. Don't use dull colors, not only because they are hard to read, but because they are boring to look at
Be Creative
Be creative, it's a must if you want to create an awesome and effective presentation
Edit Ruthlessly Before Presenting
Check the grammar and spelling, check like you are an audience   


What I Learned in CompSci #18: Presentation Software

Presentation Software
  • Powerpoint
  • Keynote
  • Prezi
  • Google Slides
  • Impress
  • Powtoon
  • Haiku Deck
  • ClearSlide
  • eMaze

Aspect Ratio:
  • 4:3
  • 16:9
  • 16:10
Color Scheme
  • Color Theory
  • Relationship of Colors
  • Colors based on emotion
  • Number of fonts used should not exceed 3
  • Design of the text 


What I Learned in CompSci #17: CSS


  Cascading - Multiple styles can overlap. Which style gets applied pertains to the rules of CSS cascading logic.
  Style - CSS deals with presentation and design
  Sheet - CSS is normally located on a separate file

3 Implementation:
   1. In-line - as attribute

   2. Embedded / Internal - as style tag

   3. External - as a separate file

CSS Syntax:

Types of Selector:
  1. Element Selector - selects all element of a specific tag.(ex:body,p,span,...)
  2. Class Selector - selects all element of a given class.(ex:class=a, .a)
  3. ID Selector - selects all element of a given ID.(ex:id=b, #b)
  4. Pseudo Selector - selects all element with a user activated state(ex: :hover, :visited)


Saturday, October 25, 2014

What I Learned in CompSci #16: HTML


     -a language for describing web pages
     -stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
     -is a markup language
     -contains HTML tags and plain texts
     -are also called web pages

Markup Language - is a set of markup tags
Tags - describe document content

     -are keywords surrounded by angle brackets
     -normally come in pairs -start tag and end tag

HTML Element
     -HTML element is everything between the start and end tags and the tags themselves  

HTML Attributes
     -provides information about an element
     -are always specified in the start tags
     -always come in name/value pairs  


HTML Text Formatting
Tags Description
<b> Bold
<big> Big
<em> Emphasized
<i> Italic

<strong> Strong
<sup> Superscripted
<sub> Subscripted
<ins> Inserted
<del> Deleted
Other Tags
<hr> Horizontal Rule
<br/> Line Break
<ul> Unordered List / Bulleted
<ol> Ordered List / Numbered
<li> List Item
<p> Paragraph

HTML Fonts and Colors
Tag Description
<font> specifies the font face, font size, and font color of text
not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead
font element is deprecated in HTML 4.01
<div> defines a division or a section in an HTML document
used to group block-elements to format them with CSS
<span> used to group inline-elements in a document

HTML Image
     -defined with <img> tag
     -has no closing tag 
Common syntax: <img src="url" alt="alternative text" width="width" height="height">

HTML Table
     -defined with <table> tag
     -divided into rows with <tr> tag
     -each row is divided into data with <td> or <th> tag 
      <th>Header 1</th>
      <th>Header 2</th>
      <td>Data Cell 1</td>
      <td>Data Cell 2</td>

HTML Hypertext / Link
     -defined with <a> tag
     -hyperlink (or link) is a word, group of words, or image that you can click on to jump to another document
Syntax: <a href="url">Text</a>

HTML Color
Color Names
 Example: red
Color: #FFFFFF

Decimal - Hexadecimal
0 = 0
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
5 = 5
6 = 6
7 = 7
8 = 8
9 = 9
10 = A
11 = B
12 = C
13 = D
14 = E
15 = F


What I Learned in CompSci #15: Searching Tips

Web Searching

Another thing that I learned, tips and tricks on searching

Tips and Tricks

  1. Use web friendly words - use the more likely phrase or word
  2. Less is more - be simple
  3. Search with an exact phrase - use quotation mark
  4. Don't worry about cases - search isn't case sensitive
  5. Search within a specific site - use site:
  6. Don't worry about punctuation - search ignores special characters
  7. Search by file type - use filetype:*the file format*
  8. Get number conversions - by typing the number and unit
  9. Get the time - use time
  10. Get currency conversions - use [currency 1] in[currency 2]
  11. Check the weather - use weather and the place
  12. Get definitions - use define:
  13. Calculate anything - enter any math equation
  14. Exclude a word or site - add a dash
Use Web Friendly Words
This means you should search using a phrase or word that is more likely to be shown on the internet. We shouldn't be complicated, but instead search for the simplest possible word
Less is More
Instead of searching a long phrase or words, you are more likely to find what you are looking for if you use the simplest and most possible word, like what I mentioned above
Search With an Exact Phrase
To search with an exact phrase, put a quotation mark around the phrase. But be careful because you might miss another possible result
Don't Worry About Cases
Search engines usually ignore the case
Search within a specific site
To search for something within a specific site, add "site:*website*"
Don't Worry About Punctuation
Search engines ignores special characters and punctuation marks.
Search By File Type
To search something with a specific file type, add "filetype:*file format*"
Get Number Conversions
To get the number conversion, just type the number and unit
Get the Time
You can know the time in any country, you can do this by typing "time *place*"
Get Currency Conversion
To get the equivalent value of a specific currency in another currency, just type "*currency 1* in *currency 2*"
Check the Weather
To know the weather in a specific place, just type "weather *place*"
Get Definition
To know the meaning of a certain word, just type "define:*word*"
Calculate Anything
Bored of calculation manually? Then just use a calculator, but you could also compute using search engines. You can do this by typing any math equation
Exclude a Word or Site
Some websites are not reliable, you can remove them or make them not appear when you search by adding a dash 
Evaluating Search Result
Why do you need to evaluate your search results?
 There are two main reasons:

  1. Quality Control - anyone can publish on the web, so there is little quality control, and information is often inaccurate and/or out-of-date
  2. Reviewing the success of your search - careful evaluation can help you produce better work, raising your marks
5 Questions to ask
  1. Author
  2. Host Site
  3. Audience
  4. Currency
  5. Content


What I Learned in CompSci #14: ICT Issues

Issues in ICT
  1. Digital Piracy
  2. Intellectual Property
  3. Fair Use
  4. Privacy and Security Threats
  5. Computer Addiction
  6. Pornography
  7. Digital Divide
Digital Piracy, it's a crime

Digital Piracy
     -illegal copying and selling of software, games, programs, and others

Intellectual Property
     -someone's idea, invention, creation, etc., which can be protected by law from being copied by someone else

Fair Use
     -laws relating to the conditions in which someone can legally copy parts of a book, film, etc. without the permission of the company that made it or owns it 

Privacy and Security Threat
  • Malware - a computer software that damages the way a computer works
  • Hacking - unauthorized access of a computer and other similar devices
  • Cyber Bullying - bullying or harassing someone on the phone, e-mail, and others
  • Spamming - any unsolicited commercial advertisement, e-mails, instant messages, etc., distributed online 
  • Flooding / Mail Bomb - various DoS techniques that leads to system failure or to the exclusion of legitimate access
  • DoS (Denial-of-service) - a condition in which a system can no longer respond to normal requests
  • Forgery / Identity Theft - the illegal use of someone else's personal information in order to obtain money
Computer Addiction
     -excessive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily life 
     -a disorder in which the individual turns to the Internet or plays computer games in an attempt to change moods, overcome anxiety, deal with depression, reduce isolation or loneliness, or distract themselves from overwhelming problems

     -*self explanatory*

Digital Divide
     -the division between people who has the latest ICT tools and those who do not.

IT Literates | IT Illiterate

References:      References:  

What I Learned in CompSci #13: Netiquette


What I learned in Computer Science 1 2nd Quarter is Netiquette

     -Is etiquette on the Internet
     -Is a set of rules on how to behave online

     -good manner and behavior

Core Rules
  1. Remember the human
  2. Behave online as you do in real life
  3. Know where you are in cyberspace
  4. Respect other people’s time and bandwidth
  5. Make yourself look good online
  6. Share expert knowledge
  7. Help keep flame wars under control
  8. Respect other people’s privacy
  9. Don’t abuse your power
  10. Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes 


What I Learned in CompSci #12: DNS


Another lesson that I learned in Computer Science 1 2nd Quarter is DNS or Domain Name System.

Domain Name System  
     -It is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services,  or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network
     -It is organized into a naming hierarchy which is used to identify domains that are at different levels
     -It provides name server operations, which entails mapping a user-friendly name to a routable address

     -Is a group of computers with a common set of rules.

     -Is a domain in a domain

Top Level Domain Names Example:
  •  .com - commercial organization
  •  .edu - educational institutions
  •  .org - noncommercial organization
  •  .gov - government
  •  .net - companies involve in the Internet infrastructure
  •  .biz - added to accommodate buisness
  •  .info - informational website
  •  .aero - aerospace company
  •  .pro - professional groups 


What I Learned in CompSci #11: Protocols

Network Protocols

One of the first thing I learned in Computer Science 1 2nd Quarter is Protocols

     -It is a set of rules that governs the communication between computers on a network
     -These rules include guidelines the following characteristics of a network:
    • Access Method
    • Allowed Physical Topologies
    • Types of Cabling
    • Speed of Data Transfer

Some Protocols:
  1. IP or Internet Protocol
  2. TCP or Transmission Control Protocol
  3. UDP or User Datagram Protocol
  4. FTP or File Transfer Protocol
  5. SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  6. HTTP or HyperText Transfer Protocol
  7. ARP or Address Resolution Protocol
  8. DHCP or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol   
  Internet Protocol
      -It is the primary network protocol used on the internet.
      -It is often used together with TCP and referred as TCP/IP. 

IP Address:
  • IPv4 or Internet Protocol version 4
    • most widely used network address
    • It is 32 bits long, which conceptually allows for 232 addresses (4,294,967,296)
    • written in dotted decimal notation, with one byte (eight bits) between each dot
    • Example:
    • each number can have a value ranging from 0 to 255
    • Classified into Class A, Class B, Class C and Class D
  • IPv6 or Internet Protocol version 6
    • intended to be the successor to IPv4
    • 128 bits in length
    • supports 2128 addresses
    • Example: fe83::2cfb:cc9a:298f:fb74%11
  • MAC Address / Physical Address
    • Each device on a LAN is identified with a Media Access Control (MAC) address
    • Some people refer to this value as a hardware/physical address as well, because manufacturers might place the MAC address on a logic board (such as an NIC) inside the computer
    • Example: 00:27:C4:A3:64:52

    Transmission Control Protocol
          -It is a connection-oriented network
          -It is used by Internet applications like World Wide Web

    User Datagram Protocol
         -It is a connectionless-oriented network
         -It allows to send messages or datagrams to other hosts on an IP network

     File Transfer Protocol
         -It is the standard network protocol used to transfer files over a TCP-based network such as the Internet

    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
         -It is used for or e-mail transmission across IP networks

    Hypertext Transfer Protocol
         -It is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web

    Address Resolution Protocol
         -It resolves IP addresses into user-friendly names

    Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
         -It used to dynamically assign IP addresses to network nodes  


    Friday, October 24, 2014

    2nd Quarter


    Using the Internet
    • Protocols
    • DNS
    • Netiquette
    • ICT Issues
    • Searching Tips
    • HTML
    • CSS
    Presentation Software
    • Aspect Ratio
    • Typography
    • Color Scheme
    • Presentation Tips
    • Presentation Software
    • Do's and Dont's
    *note: what I learned are from moodle and sir tom
    Sir Tom Secundo