Cell Ranges
A cell reference can be:
- Single Cell --- A1
- Multiple Cells, separated by comma --- A2,B3
- Range, Same Column --- A3:A9
- Range, Same Row --- A4:Z4
- Range, Different Row and Column --- A5:V7
*DYK? Clicking Ctrl + ` will show the formula of every cell, and clicking it again will return the result of the formulas
Reference Types
Relative - automatically changes when the formula is copied.
Example: =B5+B6
Absolute - the cell reference is fixed and absolute. The cell reference will not change when the formula is copied. Use a dollar($) sign.
Example: =$A$4
Mixed - a mixture of relative and absolute reference types. It has either a relative column but absolute row, or vice-versa.
Example: =$C5 <== Has an absolute column but relative row
Referencing from other sheet
- Same File - manually selecting or using a formula (*name of sheet*!*cell reference*). Example: =Sheet1!A1
- Different File - manually selecting or using a formula ([*name of file]*name of sheet*!*cell reference* <==Absolute by default. Example: [file.xlsx]sheet1!$A$4
Reference: http://moodle.pshs-brc.edu.ph/pluginfile.php/4780/mod_resource/content/0/Cell%20Reference.pdf