Ron Mikhael Surara

Ron Mikhael Surara

Saturday, March 14, 2015

What I Learned in CompSci #40: Hardware and such

Computer System Components


Power Box

Main Memory (RAM)

Processor (CPU)

Secondary Memory (Hard Disk)

Optical Drive

SATA Cable


Video Card

Network Cable 

Audio Card


  1. Make sure that the computer is switched on
  2. If there is a power problem, do a Power Check
  3. Check all cables, make sure that they are all firmly connected
  4. Reboot. Reboot solves a lot of problem, like after installing a device
  5. When the problem persists, consult an expert
  6. Check the power if it is damaged, if its, do NOT try to fix it yourself using your duct tape, duct tape solves a lot of problems, but not this time.
  7. Test your equipment and outlet

Common Issues:
  1. No internet
  2. Blue Screen of Death
  3. Devices not working
  4. No Screen Display
  5. Computer not working + Beeping Sound

Blue Screen of Death


What I Learned in CompSci #39: Generations of Computer

Generations of Computers
     -each generations are based on a new technological development, resulting in a better cheaper, smaller, and overall better computers.

Generation 1: Vacuum Tubes
( 1940 - 1956 )
Software Techology: The instructions were written in machine language. It uses 1's and 0's for coding and instructions. It could solve one problem at a time.
Computing Characteristics: It could compute in milliseconds
Physical Appearance: They are very large and could fit an entire room
Application: Scientific Stuff
Examples: UNIVAC
They used vacuum tubes, the inputs were through punch cards and paper tapes. The results were displayed as (very) long printouts.

Generation 2: Transistors
( 1956 - 1963 )
Software Technology: The instructions were written using the assembly language
Computing Characteristics: It could compute in microseconds
Physical Appearance: Transistors are smaller than vacuum tubes, so smaller computers
Application: They were expensive and the transistors had to be assembled manually
Examples: IBM 1401
They used magnetic core technology for Main Memory. They used magnetic tapes and disks for secondary storage. The inputs was still through punched cards. They used the concept of instruction being stored.

Generation 3: Integrated Circuits
( 1964 - 1971 )
Software Technology: Already had monitors, keyboards, and OS. High-level programming was used instead of machine and assembly language.
Computing Characteristics: It could compute in nanoseconds
Physical Appearance: Smaller than the second generation computers
Application: They were finally accessible for the mass
Examples: IBM 370
Has an IC Chip, which contains Transistors. 

Generation 4: Microprocessors
( 1971 - Present )
Software Technology: More OS and already has GUI, high-level programming needed
Computing Characteristics: Could compute in picoseconds, which is very fast
Physical Appearance: Some are small, some are big
Application: These are really accessible, can be used for commercial and personal use
Examples: Macintosh
Because of Large Scale Integration and Very Large Scale Integration, they were able to put thousands to hundred thousands of transistors into small silicon chips.

Generation 5: Artificial Intelligence
( Probably Happening - Future )
The goal here is to create a computer capable of learning, adapting and evolving by itself. They will use Super Large Scale Integration. They will use parallel processing allowing multiple instructions to be executed at the same time. Dual-Core, quad-core,etc... uses parallel processing.

What I Learned in CompSci #38: Networking


     -two or more computer systems linked together

     -the unit of data that is routed between an origin and a destination on the internet or any other packet-switched network. Data are transferred over the internet in units called packets.

1. LAN - Local Area Network
     -connects network devices over a short distance

2. MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
     -a network larger than LAN but smaller than WAN, like a city. They are usually owned by a single entity like the government.

3. WAN - Wide Area Network
     -a network spanning over a large distance like the internet

4. WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network

5. CAN - Campus Area Network

6. SAN - Storage Area Network

7. Pan - Personal Area Network

8. System Area Network

Data Transmission
     -the physical transfer of data over communication channel or medium such as copper wires, optical fiber, wireless channel, and storage devices.
     -Data are represented as electromagnetic signals such as an electric voltage, radiowave, micro wave, or infrared signal.
     -this means that data are sent as electromagnetic signals like radiowav(such as bluetooth) and infrared signals(such as remote controls). To be sent, they need a medium, like those mentioned above.

What I Learned in CompSci #37: Machine Cycle

Machine Cycle
     -also called Processor cycle or instruction cycle. 
     -basic operation performed by the CPU

Steps in a Machine Cycle

  1. Fetch - the computer or CPU gets the instruction and data from the Main Memory
  2. Decode - the CPU translates the data and instruction into commands
  3. Execute - the computer executes the command
  4. Store - write the result back to the Main Memory

What I Learned in CompSci #36: Binary and Conversion

     -A binary number can only contain 2 digits, 1's and 0's
     -Another name is base-2
Example: 10, 1010, 1101

Origin of Word
     -The prefix "bi" means 2 in Latin. Binary only has 2 digits, 1 and 0.
     -It is also called base-2 because the column values are the powers of 2

     -The number we are used to seeing
     -Has 9 digits, 0-9
     -Also called base-10, because the column values are the powers of 10
Example: 2, 10, 13

     -Contains 16 digits, 0-9 and A-F
     -Also called base-16
Example: 2, A, 3A

Binary - Decimal(Positional Notation)
The value of a bit is equal to the value of its place number. Just convert the bits to its corresponding value, then add them.

So 1101 = 13

Decimal - Binary(Finding the Largest Number)
The technique here will be based on Sir Tom's technique(actually this is Sir Tom's)
First, find the largest possible number of the column(of the power of 2) that you can subtract from the decimal number, the (largest possible)number will then be a binary number in its column. Then just repeat the process on the difference until you get 0.

Converting 13 to Binary, which is 1101

Binary - Hexadecimal(4 bits = 1 hex digit)
First, divide the binary number by 4. Then the powers of 2's exponent will repeat every 4 digits. Just look at the picture. :)
Divide it by 4's, then treat it like a binary, converting to decimal, except use hexadecimal numbers.

Hexadecimal - Binary(1 hex digit = 4 bits)
The process is the same, except do it backward

Decimal - Hexadecimal(Dec-Bin-Hex)
There are 2 ways, the hard-complicated way, or the easier, but probably longer(the easiness will pay off) way. I'll tell you the easier way.
Just convert to Binary first, before converting to Hexadecimal.

Hexadecimal - Decimal(Hex-Bin-Dec)
The same, Binary first before decimal

Friday, March 13, 2015

What I Learned in CompSci #35: Data Representation

Data Representation

Sources of data

  • Original Data or Information - data being introduced for the first time
  • Previously Stored Data or Information - data that has already been processed by the computer and is being stored for future use

Digitizing - process of converting recorded things such as images, videos, and images to binary form so that the computer can read it

Connecting Hardware to a Computer
  • Hardware needs a software so that it can be properly used.
    • Device Driver - a software still needs to be installed, usually using a CD, so that you can use the device
    • Plug and Play - the hardware is usable once plugged to the computer, no boot required. Its software is in its firmware, a combination of a hardware and software
Storage Devices
  • Electronic
  • Magnetic
  • Optical
Important Characteristics
  • Speed and Access Time
  • Cost / Removable vs Non-Removable
  • Capacity
  • Type of Access
    • Sequential - the storage device is searched from the beginning until the designated area is found
    • Random Access - Direct Access
Bit - the smallest unit of data. Can contain 2 states of information, such as Yes and No

Byte - is equal to 8 bits. A byte can represent 256 states of information. One byte could be equal to 1 character

Word - fundamental units of information. This can contain bytes. Information are moved through the computer in words. The number of bits per word may vary according to computer

What I Learned in CompSci #34: Processing Cycle

Processing Cycle
     -how the computer work cycle

Explain this Picture

  1. Through the input device, we send instructions and data to the Main Memory
  2. The instructions and data are stored in the RAM until they are transferred to the CPU
  3. The CPU converts the instructions and data to data
  4. The data will then be stored in the Main Memory again
  5. The data will then be shown through the output device

Explain this diagram
  1. The input device sends information to the Main Memory
  2. The information are then sent to the Control Unit
  3. The Control Unit will then send the information to the ALU or Arithmetic Logic Unit
  4. The ALU will convert the information to data and will send the data back to the Main Memory
  5. From the Main Memory, you can save the data to the Secondary Memory so that you can open the data again, or you can transfer it to the Output Device

What I Learned in CompSci #33: Software

     - any program that tells a computer to do. Software contains the instruction that the CPU will carry out

2 Types of Software
  1. System Software
  2. Application Software

System Software
     -programs or software that controls the PC. These software are the programs that handle the start-up, manages, maintains, and controls the PC. These software are also responsible for creating other software. These play a vital role in the computer system.

Application Software
     -programs or software that are designed and created to do specific task, such as creating a document or editing a picture. These perform specific personal, business, scientific processing tasks.

Application Software
General Purpose Programs
     -application software with no specific tasks and has multiple purpose

Application Specific Programs
     -application software with a specific task. These can only do the task it was designed for.

System Software
System Management Programs (Operating System or OS)
     -monitors and controls the processes within a computer system. It is the program that controls the hardware and the operation of all the other programs

Windows 8

Syem Development Programs (Compilers)
     -system software that creates another program. It compiles the scripts and makes a program.


PC Platform
     -is the combination of an OS and a processor. Example is the Wintel, a combination of Windows and Intel. Programs created for a specific platform wont run on other platforms.
     -Modern platforms are backward compatible, meaning programs that were created for earlier platforms can run on modern platforms.
     -Before choosing a platform, be sure to the check the availability of software and hardware that is compatible with the platform.

User Interface

What I Learned in CompSci #32: Hardware Specs

Hardware Specs
      -tells the limit or maximum capability of a device on a given criteria


Common Computer Hardware Specs Criteria

  • Main Memory (example: 8Gb)
  • CPU Clockrate (example: 2.00 GHz)
  • CPU Wordsize (example: 64-bit)
  • Secondary Memory (example: 1Tb)
  • Video Memory (example: 1500 mb)
  • GPU-Graphics Processing Unit (example: NVIDIA GeForce)
  • Audio Adapter
  • Wireless/LAN Adapter
  • Display Adapter

System Requirements
     -the minimum requirement a computer needs in order to run a software properly, usually with the minimal settings. The system requirements vary depending on the software and on what you are going to do

Monday, March 9, 2015

What I Learned in CompSci #31: Computer System

Computer System
     -is a combination of hardware and software
     -able to take a set of inputs, process them, and create a set of output

Divided into 2:
  1. Hardware
       -the part of the computer that you can actually touch
       -is composed of Input/Output Devices, CPU, and memory


  2. Software
       -can be an OS or an application


Did you know that a computer can run properly without a software. This is possible because of FIRMWARE, a combination of hardware and software

Types of Computers

A. Hybrid Computer
     -a combination of an analog computer and digital computer

B. Analog Computer

C. Digital Computer
     1. Super Computer

     2. Mainframe Computer

     3. Mini/Midrange Computer

     4. Micro Computer

4th Quarter

4th Quarter Topics:
All About the Computer

  • Computer System
  • Hardware Specs
  • Software
  • Processing Cycle
  • Data Representation
  • Binary
  • Conversion
  • Machine Cycle
  • Networking
  • Generations of Computer
  • Basic Computer Hardware Troubleshooting
  • Computer System Unit Components