Ron Mikhael Surara

Ron Mikhael Surara

Sunday, August 24, 2014

What I Learned in CompSci #10: Mail Merge

Mail Merge
     -Sending 1 letter to many people by merging a document with a database

Advantages of Mail Merging
  • Saves time
  • Saves energy
  • Saves space
Mail Merging
  1. Go to the Mailing Tab
  2. Click Start Mail Merge
  3. Choose Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard
  4. Choose one of the document type
  5. Select a starting document
  6.  Use an existing list or create a new list( you can choose from Outlook contacts but it is rarely used)
  7. Write your letter, or if already written, highlight the text and click Insert Merge Field and choose
  8. Preview your result
  9. Click Finish and Merge
Mail Merge
The changed fields are the name, address, mr./mrs., and truly yours


What I Learned in CompSci #9: Technical Formatting

Technical Formatting

Technical Formatting includes:
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures
  • Index
  • Bibliography

Table of Contents
     - shows the contents of a book or document and its page number
Table of Contents

Inserting Table of Contents
  1. Change the style of the chapter name to Heading 1
  2. Change the style of something inside a chapter to Heading 2
  3. If there is a 3rd level, change its style to Heading 3
  4. Go to References Tab
  5. Click Table of Contents
  6. Choose a template or make your own by clicking Insert Table of Contents...
  7. Adjust the settings to what you desire
  8. Click OK
To update Table of Contents
  1. Right click the Table of Contents
  2. Click Update Field
List of Figures
     -show the pictures' name and where to find the pictures
List of Figures

Inserting List of Figures
  1. Click on a picture and go to Reference Tab
  2. Click Insert Caption
  3. A dialogue box will appear, adjust it then click OK
  4. Click Insert Table of Figures
  5. Adjust the settings then click OK
To update the list
  1. Right-Click the table
  2. Click update field
  3. Choose from the 2 choices then click OK 
Example of a caption
     -shows all the contents in alphabetical order

Inserting Index
  1. Highlight a word or phrase
  2. Go to Reference Tab
  3. Click Mark Entry
  4. Click Insert Index
  5. Adjust the settings
  6. Click OK
*note: After marking an entry, formatting marks will appear. Just remove them after marking all by going to file or office button, then options, then display, uncheck the formatting marks
This will appear after marking

     -shows the references
 Inserting Bibliography
  1. Highlight the word
  2. Go to Reference Tab
  3. Click Insert Citation
  4. Click Add New Source
  5. A dialogue box will appear, fill it with information and click ok
  6. Click Bibliography
  7. Click Bibliography or Insert Bibliography

    What I Learned in CompSci #8: Advanced Formatting

    Advanced Formatting

    Advanced Formatting includes:
    • Graphic Organizer
    • Header and Footer
    • Breaks and Pagination
    • Math Equation
    Graphic Organizer
         -this helps make your document look more organize and nice
         -we can find graphic organizers on the Insert Tab

    Example of Graphic Organizer:
    • Word Art
    • Smart Art
    • Chart
    Smart Art - Graphic Organizer
    Header and Footer
         -these are the space at the top and bottom of the document
         -these are used so that you don't need to type the same thing at all the pages
         -we can insert headers and footers by clicking Insert Tab then Header or Footer

    The Header can include:
    • Name
    • Title
    • Page Number
    • Logo
    • Company Name
    • etc...
     The Footer can include:
    • Page Number
    • Telephone/Fax Number
    • etc...
    A Header

    Breaks and Pagination
         -instead of clicking enter a lot of times, we insert a break or blank page to create another page instead
         -we can insert breaks and blank page on the Insert Tab

    Disadvantages of clicking enter:
    • Takes longer time
    • Takes space
    • When we insert, the rest of the page and the pages below it are affected

    Math Equation
         -we can insert math equations by going to the Insert Tab and clicking Equations
    A Math Equation


    Saturday, August 23, 2014

    What I Learned in CompSci #7: Basic Word Processing

    Basic Word Processing

    Basic Word Processes includes:
    • Page Formatting
    • Outlining and Bulleting
    • Embedding Graphics
    • Annotation
    Page Formatting
         -includes the page size, orientation, backgrounds, watermarks, and borders
         -these can be found at the Insert Tab
    Margin, orientation, and size

    Outlining and Bulleting
         -makes the document more organized
         -this can done at the Home Tab

    To outline or bullet
    • Click the Bullets, Numbering, or Multilevel button
    • Click Tab to lower the level and Shift+Tab to raise the level
    •  To make the numbering restart to 1, right click then restart to 1
    • To change the design of the bullets or numbering, right click and numbering/bullets
    Bullet, numbering, and outline button

    Embedding Graphics
         -includes pictures, clip art, and other
         -can also be found at the Insert Tab
    Picture, clip art, and shapes

         -tells something
         -comments are an example of annotation
         -can be found in the Review Tab

    Creating Annotations 
    1. Highlight the word
    2. Go to the review tab and click New Comment
    3. Something will appear, type your comment
    4. When finished, if you want to remove the comments, just go to the Review Tab, Tracking Group, then choose from the Display for Review

    What I Learned in CompSci #6: Backup and Versioning

    Backup and Versioning

    What is a backup?
    A backup is a copy of a file on another device. It is created to make sure when a file is deleted, we have a copy of it.

    We can create a backup on a usb, another computer, internet, and other similar devices.

    What is versioning?

    Versioning is making another file when saving a file. When we save a file, we keep the previous copy, which is a previous version of the file. We do this so that when we liked a previous version of a file more than the current one, we wont start over.


    What I Learned in CompSci #5: Data Compression and Encryption

    Data Compression and Encryption

    What is Data Compression?

    Data Compression is storing data that requires less space than usual.

    Example of Compressed Data:
    • .zip
    • .rar
    You can compress data using WinRar, 7Zip, or any other similar software
    From 36kb to 1kb

    What is Encryption?
    Encryption is the process of encoding messages or information in such a way that only authorized parties can read it(1). It enables a person to secure a file by creating a password

    2 Main Types of Encryption:
    • Symmetrical - harder, created by the computer
    • Asymmetrical - easier, can be created manually


    What I Learned in CompSci #4: File Formats and Extensions

    File Formats and Extensions

    What are File Formats?
    File Formats are the letters you see at the end of a file. They tell us what kind of file a file is.

    • .bat
    • .dat
    • .exe
    • .docx
    • .txt
    • .dll

    .txt - File Format
    You can create your own file format by adding a custom made file format at the end and saving it as all file formats. 
    A custom format - .surara

    What I Learned in CompSci #3: Text vs GUI-based Navigation

    Text-based vs. GUI-based Navigation
    Navigating Cyberspace

    2 Types of Navigation:
    • Text-based
    • GUI-based
    Text-based navigation
         -in Windows, text-based navigation uses command prompt or cmd. Uses commands.
       Common Commands in cmd:
      • cd - changes directory or shows the current directory. To go to the parent directory, type cd..
      • md - creates a directory
      • rd - removes a directory
      • dir -  shows information about a directory like the files and folders inside. To show ALL files and sub-directories, just type "dir s/"
      • ren - renames
      • del - deletes a file
    Command Prompt - Text-based Navigation
    *note: You can't create a folder called "con" in GUI-based Navigation because it is a reserved word that only the system could use
    **note: You can create a folder called "con" in text-based navigation by typing "md con\" and removing it by "rd con\"

    It is possible to create a con folder

    GUI-based navigation
         -means Graphical User Interface
         -in Windows, GUI-based navigation commonly uses Windows Explorer
         -allows interactions through buttons
    Windows Explorer - GUI-based Navigation


    What I Learned in CompSci #2: ICT System and Software/Strengths and Limitations of Computer

    ICT System and Software

    What is a system?
    A system involves input, process, output, and feedback.

    What is an ICT System?
    A system that uses any form of digital technology, the output goes directly to a human being or to another system.

    Input - entering data to a computer or any device
    Process - manipulating the data into information understandable by the user
    Output - presenting the information to the user
    Feedback - affects another input

    Common ICT Softwares
    • File Organization
    • Office Application
    • Web Services
    File Organization
         -used to organize and keep track of files
         -example: Windows Explorer,  iExplorer, Nautilus, Cubic Explorer, FreeCommander
    Office Application
         -software used in business such as word processing, spreadsheet, and database management.
         -similar software are usually sold or distributed in one package also known as Suite
         -example: Microsoft Office, Libre Office, iWork
    Web Services
         -software that uses the internet
         -example: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari


     Strengths and Limitation of Computer
    Watson IBM

    Computers can calculate faster than humans can. They can do a lot of tasks at the same time and store a lot of information. They are precise and accurate. Computers are immune to fatigue and don't get tired, they can work for a long time without stopping.

    Computers are built and designed by humans, so they rely on humans. They lack the ability to decide on their own and need to be programmed first.

    Long Test in CompSci(

    What I Learned in CompSci #1: ICT

    What is a computer?
         -shortened for general purpose stored program electronic digital computer
         -a data processing machine

    Difference between ICT, IT, and CompSci:

    • ICT - means Information and Communication Technology. It is the use of communication to spread technology and the use of technology to improve communication.
    • IT - means Information Technology. It is the application of computer and technology
    • Computer Science - branch of science that deals with the design of computers.

    Uses of ICT
    • At home
      • Doing assignments
      • Watching videos
      • Listening to musics
      • Doing research and projects
      • Playing online games
      • Socializing with friends and acquaintances
      • Surfing the net
      • Managing pictures
    • At school
      • Doing dormwork and activities
      • Doing Research
      • Teaching and presenting a presentation
      • Learning on online
      • submitting requirements 
      • Getting information
      • Managing projects
    • At work
      • Working
      • Submitting your works
      • Communicating with co-workers
      • Transaction
      • Analyzing data
      • Sending E-mails 
    References: - picture - picture