Ron Mikhael Surara

Ron Mikhael Surara

Sunday, August 24, 2014

What I Learned in CompSci #8: Advanced Formatting

Advanced Formatting

Advanced Formatting includes:
  • Graphic Organizer
  • Header and Footer
  • Breaks and Pagination
  • Math Equation
Graphic Organizer
     -this helps make your document look more organize and nice
     -we can find graphic organizers on the Insert Tab

Example of Graphic Organizer:
  • Word Art
  • Smart Art
  • Chart
Smart Art - Graphic Organizer
Header and Footer
     -these are the space at the top and bottom of the document
     -these are used so that you don't need to type the same thing at all the pages
     -we can insert headers and footers by clicking Insert Tab then Header or Footer

The Header can include:
  • Name
  • Title
  • Page Number
  • Logo
  • Company Name
  • etc...
 The Footer can include:
  • Page Number
  • Telephone/Fax Number
  • etc...
A Header

Breaks and Pagination
     -instead of clicking enter a lot of times, we insert a break or blank page to create another page instead
     -we can insert breaks and blank page on the Insert Tab

Disadvantages of clicking enter:
  • Takes longer time
  • Takes space
  • When we insert, the rest of the page and the pages below it are affected

Math Equation
     -we can insert math equations by going to the Insert Tab and clicking Equations
A Math Equation
