Ron Mikhael Surara

Ron Mikhael Surara

Saturday, August 23, 2014

What I Learned in CompSci #2: ICT System and Software/Strengths and Limitations of Computer

ICT System and Software

What is a system?
A system involves input, process, output, and feedback.

What is an ICT System?
A system that uses any form of digital technology, the output goes directly to a human being or to another system.

Input - entering data to a computer or any device
Process - manipulating the data into information understandable by the user
Output - presenting the information to the user
Feedback - affects another input

Common ICT Softwares
  • File Organization
  • Office Application
  • Web Services
File Organization
     -used to organize and keep track of files
     -example: Windows Explorer,  iExplorer, Nautilus, Cubic Explorer, FreeCommander
Office Application
     -software used in business such as word processing, spreadsheet, and database management.
     -similar software are usually sold or distributed in one package also known as Suite
     -example: Microsoft Office, Libre Office, iWork
Web Services
     -software that uses the internet
     -example: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari


 Strengths and Limitation of Computer
Watson IBM

Computers can calculate faster than humans can. They can do a lot of tasks at the same time and store a lot of information. They are precise and accurate. Computers are immune to fatigue and don't get tired, they can work for a long time without stopping.

Computers are built and designed by humans, so they rely on humans. They lack the ability to decide on their own and need to be programmed first.

Long Test in CompSci(