Ron Mikhael Surara

Ron Mikhael Surara

Saturday, August 23, 2014

What I Learned in CompSci #7: Basic Word Processing

Basic Word Processing

Basic Word Processes includes:
  • Page Formatting
  • Outlining and Bulleting
  • Embedding Graphics
  • Annotation
Page Formatting
     -includes the page size, orientation, backgrounds, watermarks, and borders
     -these can be found at the Insert Tab
Margin, orientation, and size

Outlining and Bulleting
     -makes the document more organized
     -this can done at the Home Tab

To outline or bullet
  • Click the Bullets, Numbering, or Multilevel button
  • Click Tab to lower the level and Shift+Tab to raise the level
  •  To make the numbering restart to 1, right click then restart to 1
  • To change the design of the bullets or numbering, right click and numbering/bullets
Bullet, numbering, and outline button

Embedding Graphics
     -includes pictures, clip art, and other
     -can also be found at the Insert Tab
Picture, clip art, and shapes

     -tells something
     -comments are an example of annotation
     -can be found in the Review Tab

Creating Annotations 
  1. Highlight the word
  2. Go to the review tab and click New Comment
  3. Something will appear, type your comment
  4. When finished, if you want to remove the comments, just go to the Review Tab, Tracking Group, then choose from the Display for Review